Sunday, May 2, 2010

Meat&Potatoes: We found the place

Sahuaro Historical Ranch Park

We found our place!! And I am too thrilled!

For $552.50 this is what we get:
  •  8 hours rental which includes 2 hour set up, 2 hour clean up and 4 hours for the ceremony + reception
  • 16- 60" round tables
  • banquet chairs
  • front courtyard for the ceremony
This is the overall layout of the park. I circled the place we rented out in red.
This is the layout of the space:
 The space also include a bathroom and small prep area(not shown). The larger room is where the reception will be and it comes with light dimmers! yay!. The smaller space will be for food set up or a small dance floor?? I'm not %100 sure yet. The place has 1430sq.ft. 

Here are some pictures I took when I went to go check it out.

Side of building

front right of building

front courtyard area. There is an orange grove to the right and a vineyard to the left

Inside the larger area. The tables & chairs are pushed back

The smaller area

Now I know some of ya'll aren't impressed but I promise you that this is an impressive space.
Till next time....