Thursday, May 20, 2010

Guest what?!

Originally the handsome(F-H) and I were content with inviting 50-60 of our closest family and friends, and herein lies the problem. Handsome has a large family (in and outside of this state) and his mother,though I love her to pieces, keeps adding people to the guest list! She doesn't want to leave out ANYBODY! That includes the play cousins and uncles and their family. We all know that mas gente = mas dinero and our budget is firm.

 The handsome and I already discussed that we want this to be "intimate" with close family and friends. Meaning if he or I have a 3rd cousin ray-ray that we've seen sparingly throughout our lives...they wont be invited. We prefer sharing to showing off and only people that are special to us will share this moment with us.

Future brides, have you ran into any complications with your guest list?