Thursday, June 3, 2010

Paperwork: STD's + rough invite

In January I sent out STD's (save-the-dates) and came up with a rough model for our invitations. The STD's I made myself with the help of Power-point and a printer.

It didn't take me long to design and print the postcards but the invitations were the exact opposite. I'm new to DIY'ing so I thought Michaels carried cardstock.....they didnt. So I ended up getting construction paper instead 0_0 , I know. Needless to say, the results weren't pretty(below).

  BUT don't fret! I eventually got it right and went by Joann's. I found the most beautiful jade green cardstock for the invitations! While the jade cardstock was perfect the invitation was far from it.

I took another trip to Joann's to pick up more card-stock and found a replacement for that awkward star liner in the photo above. So below is the newly revised invite! =] Now I just need to round up the bridesmaids and make the rest *sigh*