Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is a serious matter!*updated*

Both handsome and I love music! We both used to play instruments (well I still do) and share a love for jazz. Granted he also likes rap more than I ever will (not to say that I dont listen to it every now and then) while I'm a little more into RnB than he is. I digress. The point of this post is to ask all you lurking musical genius' to vote on our processional music as we are not going with the traditional wedding march.

Now I'm going to list two choices. The first is Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence(Ryuichi Sakamoto) covered by Duel and Gavin Wright. While I LOVE the original I am IN LOVE with this rendition. Seriously.Pandora helped me fall in love with this song though I've never seen the movie (the song is the movies theme).  p.s. I discover ALOT of great music on pandora! Anyways, go ahead and take a listen.

The second song is Pretty Wings (Maxwell) Instrumental. This is a very pretty song about *cough* breaking up BUT the instrumental is RIDICULOUS(beautiful). Don't judge me, just listen!

Which one shall it be? vote now (delivered with a thumbs up and mentos smile). 

**I moved the poll to the side frame above the music player. Thanks for your votes!